About Us

Marshall Oakman – Keys & Vocals, song writer

Cyndi Hazell – Vocals

Andy Prager – Guitar (Manager)

Mark Gotkin – Drums & vocals

Elliot Liebner – Bass & vocals

THE PROJECT is a 5-piece band covering a large spectrum of Rock ’n' Roll, and playing mostly in western Nassau County.

Now in our 15th year since inception, we have compiled an impressive lineup of songs: Classic Rock from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s – concentrating on more obscure hits that everyone knows, but seldom hears in a live setting – and highlighting female vocalist all-time favorites.  We always include a few of Marshall’s original songs in our sets.

Before 2010, Andy founded, managed, and played guitar with a band called The DelRockits, which dis-banded in December of 2010 - but The DelRockits had two gigs already lined-up for 2011.

Rather than cancel the bookings, Andy thought he might start another band to cover these dates, only as ‘a project’… and as it happened, earlier in 2010 Andy had organized a jam session with another group of musician acquaintances; so now he contacted them, and they were all interested in this start-up project to cover the two gigs.

When this group started rehearsing, we all knew that we had something special and should continue, after the two project gigs.  A deep connection was quickly forged, both musically and socially – but we were without a name!

Well, since our Email correspondence had ‘The Project’ as the subject line, and because we always ‘made a project’ out of fine-tuning the instrumentation and vocals for our Setlists, the name adopted by the band was: THE PROJECT.